5 Tips on Personal Branding

A few weeks ago, I had friends at the great MMG Studios let me know they wanted to do another event. In the past, we has hosted on the subject matter of “content creation.” And that was awesome event.

Anyway, like I said, the thought of another came up. “What could we do?” I thought to myself. The two main ideas that surfaced were “how to start a podcast” and “how to build a personal brand.”

In a flash, I tossed up the two ideas onto an Instagram poll. And the results came in. More people wanted to know about personal branding!

Fast forward to today.

The event was wednesday. It was great. We had three amazing panelists. Taz Smith, Margarita Schneider, and Kseniya Korneva.

Between the three of them, they have hundreds of thousands of followers online. And I bring up these individuals because we learned a lot. I learned a lot. And this is especially interesting because I post a lot. And even with this, there was so much acumen dropped.

That said, what do you say I share some tips with you? The tips that we learned this wednesday ok personal branding.

Sounds good?

Ok, let’s dive in.

First, your personal brand isn’t what you think it is. It’s what your followers think it is. I learned this from Margarita. And it’s so true. You can think you’re a fitness page. But if your followers think you are something different, can you argue with them? The answer is no. You are what they think you are. So keep a pulse on what that is.

Second, each piece of content should serve a purpose. And not every piece is for views. Today, many of us want to be seen. Known. But let’s not fall into the trap of thinking every piece of content needs to be about that. Some content is to go deeper. And other content is to educate. Showcase expertise. And more. So, know what the aim is for each piece. And measure based on that.

Third, there is a difference between outbound and inbound. I know this sounds simple, but when building a personal brand, know when someone views your story… they are looking for something different than when they see your posts. Stories are a great place to document. Show your life. Instead of educating per say.

Fourth, it’s not about documenting over creating, it’s about both! If you are looking to establish expertise and build a personal brand, do both. Make sure to showcase who you are. But also follow content pillars that stick to your personal brand pillars. What is it that you know and love? What are those topics? These are your pillars. Stick to them!

Fifth, be patient. Building a personal brand does not happen overnight. It’s what people think about you over the long haul. So, be patient and see what happens.

Liked these tips? Be sure to follow @BrockLarameecom on Instagram’ today. 

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